Monday, March 23, 2009

“We know that when it comes to improving literacy, teachers—not methods or materials—make the most difference” (Duffy & Hoffman, 1999).


As I think deeply about this quote, I am forced to go way back and really disect it's true meaning. Did we really know that teachers make the most difference?
ofcourse not. I didn't at first but this quotation has allowed me to view the act of teaching more objectively. I used to believe that the best innovations would yield the best results but now realise that this may not necessarily be the case. It is difficult to decide whether materials have the most marked influence on the learner of whether it is the teacher.

Much reflection has lead me to concur with this quote.
The purpose of the teacher is not to merely instruct using the best technology and strategies available but to create experiences that will impact positively on the students.

These experiences will have the utmost lasting effect on our students. Teacher and student interaction where the teacher utilises her resources to bring about meaningful learning especially in reading and writing indeed makes the most difference.

It is important therefore that as teachers we bring positive attitutes into our classrooms. This will undoubtedly motive students to learn and with this motivation as a driving force, we can stratigically employ the strategies to foster learning.


Angelina said...

Congratulations! You have joined us in the blogosphere.

I have always believed that the teacher makes the difference, and I am glad that you too have concurred. The teacher's role is extremely important in motivating students to learn and in providing students with the necessary tools and experiences they need to construct their knowledge. So you are absolutely right and your reflective thoughts have shed light on your position as a content area teacher
I wonder what the others think.

Eveta said...

I cannot agree more with your this quote. I have noted that even with the most brilliant ideas and strategies, if the teacher is not enthusiastic and does not have a positive attitude then the students will not be motivated to learn.
I am happy that we able to realise this as it means that we are well on our way to becoming strategic teachers.